Wednesday, October 1, 2014

3 months

Now that we're making our way out of the newborn stage and venturing into just the plain old baby stage, I feel I can safely admit something. I really don't like the newborn stage. Eva was (is) a wonderful, sweet baby, but those first couple of months were just plain hard. With the crazy sleep deprivation, to the difficulties in feeding her, to the tragedy of my nephew's death, I am just really glad to be coming out of that period of time.

I have always liked and loved my baby, but the older she gets, the more I like her! She's just starting to interact more and as long as she's not hungry or overly tired, she's one happy kiddo. Her third month of life, she:

-Smiles quite a lot throughout the day and has started TRYING to laugh. It's usually just a breathy sound that escapes her lips, but it's coming!
-Transitioned from sleeping on my chest in bed with me, to sleeping in her pack 'n play next to the bed, to sleeping in her pack 'n play in her very own room. I wasn't expecting to move her so soon, but this mama was getting no sleep due to being a very light sleeper. So Evie got moved about 20 feet away, across the hall.
-Started getting a small bit of cereal in her bedtime bottle. She regressed and started waking up every hour or so at night, so we pulled the old cereal trick to get her to sleep longer again. It worked like a charm....for a few days. Then some issues (related or unrelated - still not sure) arose, so we went back to just formula.
-Made her second trip to Utah. She's becoming a real frequent flyer!
-We had our first set of days and nights just the two of us without anyone else around (Skylar was out of town for 4 days) and we survived just fine!
-Has discovered she has hands and sometimes when she swings them around, they can hit or move things.
-Is awake more and more of the day. She's a terrible napper, only taking 15 minute cat naps throughout the day, so she's awake quite a lot. Which means I get to see that sweet gummy grin a lot!

Weight - 13 lbs 2 oz (60 %)
Height - 23.5 in (50%)
Head - 15.75 in (75 %)

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